Gen 3 provides Pokémon spent 130 new Pokémon, containing most of the new creatures in the game, from its inception in the summer of 201...
Gen 3 provides Pokémon spent 130 new Pokémon, containing most of the new creatures in the game, from its inception in the summer of 2016 - more than 80 added Gen 2 .
This gene 3 are third - generation Pokémon - Franchise - Games - Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, most of which were originally creatures with a few baby - Pokémon and new legendary creatures.
As with Gen 2, which will not come at once, with an initial taste that comes as part of a seasonal event, especially the kind of ghosts for Halloween .
How many Pokémon Gen 3 and other things we know about the creatures of the Hoenn Region
Here is a list of all 135 Pokémon from the Hoenn region shows the major parties, including the development of methods.
The first wave came in the 2017 Halloween - Events , confirmed that more come in December - we take as part of another event.
Niantic has yet to say when the full works, but if we put a guess, we would think Spring is the perfect time for people away start at home by creatures to move and revoked once the winter is over how gene begins 2 . February 2017.
What we know is:
- Each Pokemon - two bars - are original and independent from those of previous generations
- Both are creatures Baby Azurill (Evolves into Marill Gen 2) and Isso (Gen 2 advances to Wobbuffet)
- It is legend creatures Gen 3 than any previous generation, with 10, two mythical creatures
We do not know is this:
- Whether new or mechanical elements will be introduced some changes
- Whether and how many are unique creatures Region
- The - as in Gen 1 Ditto - is not on the first day and will be held at a later date
List of Pokémon Pokémon Go Gen 3
How should the first two generations most changes require candy when we suspect new special which used in the main game to appropriate or even additional new mechanics for the others. We'll know more when they are released.
No. | Pokémon | Type, Evolution and planned capture method | |
252 | Treecko | kind of grass Boots, no prior Evolution | |
253 | Grovyle | kind of grass Evolved from Grovyle (using caramel ) | |
254 | Sceptile | kind of grass Evolved from Sceptile ( candy ) | |
255 | torchic | Art of Fire Boots, no prior Evolution | |
256 | Combusken | Fire / Fight Evolved from Torchic ( candy ) | |
257 | Blaziken | Fire / Fight Evolved from Combusken ( candy ) | |
258 | mudkip | type of water Boots, no prior Evolution | |
259 | Marshtomp | Water / Soil Evolved from Mudkip ( candy ) | |
260 | swampert | Type Water / Grass Evolved from Marshtomp ( candy ) | |
261 | Poochyena | black Ethnicity No previous changes | |
262 | Mightyena | black Ethnicity Evolved from Poochyena (using caramel ) | |
263 | ZIGZAGOON | normal guy No previous changes | |
264 | Linoone | normal guy Evolved from ZIGZAGOON (using caramel ) | |
265 | Wurmple | type error No previous changes | |
266 | Silcoon | type error Emerging from Wurmple (Based on "personality type") | |
267 | Beautifly | Bug / Type of flight Evolved from Silicoon (using caramel ) | |
268 | Cascoon | type error Emerging from Wurmple (Based on "personality type") | |
269 | Dustox | Bug / Poison type Emerging from Cascoon (With caramel ) | |
270 | Lotad | Type Water / Grass No previous changes | |
271 | shadow | Type Water / Grass Emerging from Lotad (With caramel ) | |
272 | I Ludicolo | Type Water / Grass Emerging from Lombre (The use of water stone) | |
273 | Seedot | kind of grass No previous changes | |
274 | Nuzleaf | Grass / Black Type Emerging from Seedot (With caramel ) | |
275 | Shiftry | Grass / Black Type Emerging from Nuzleaf (Using the stone sheet) | |
276 | Taillow | Normal / type of flight No previous changes | |
277 | Swellow | Normal / type of flight Evolved from Taillow (using caramel ) | |
278 | Wingull | Type water / air No previous changes | |
279 | Pelipper | Type water / air Evolved from Wingull (using caramel ) | |
280 | Ralts | Psychic / Type Hada No previous changes | |
281 | Kirlia | Psychic / Type Hada Evolved from tarsal (using caramel ) | |
282 | Gardevoir | Psychic / Type Hada Evolved from Kirlia (using caramel ) | |
283 | Surskit | Bug / water type No previous changes | |
284 | Masquerain | Bug / Type of flight Evolved from Surskit (using caramel ) | |
285 | Shroomish | kind of grass No previous changes | |
286 | Breloom | Grass / Fight Evolved from Shroomish (using caramel ) | |
287 | Slakoth | normal guy No previous changes | |
288 | Vigo Roth | normal guy Evolved from Slakoth (using caramel ) | |
289 | battance | normal guy Evolved from Vigo Roth (using caramel ) | |
290 | NINCADA | Bug / soil No previous changes | |
291 | Ninjask | Bug / Type of flight Evolved from Ninjask (using caramel ) | |
292 | Munia | Bug / Ghost Type Emerging from NINCADA (Set Ninjask under certain conditions) | |
293 | Whismur | normal guy No previous changes | |
294 | Loudred | normal guy Evolved from Whismur (using caramel ) | |
295 | Exploud | normal guy Evolved from Loudred (using caramel ) | |
296 | Makuhita | fighting style No previous changes | |
297 | Hariyama | fighting style Evolved from Makuhita (using caramel ) | |
298 | Azurill | Normal / Type Hada Baby - Pokémon to hatch | |
299 | Nosepass | Type of rock No previous changes | |
300 | skitty | normal guy No previous changes | |
301 | Delcatty | normal guy Arises from Eneco (Using a Mondstein) | |
302 | Sableye | Black / Type spirit No previous changes | |
303 | Mawile | Steel / type Hada No previous changes | |
304 | Aron | Steel / Rock Art No previous changes | |
305 | Lairon | Steel / Rock Art Evolved from Aron (using caramel ) | |
306 | Aggron | Steel / Rock Art Evolved from Lairon (using caramel ) | |
307 | Meditite | Fighting / Psychic No previous changes | |
308 | Medicham | Fighting / Psychic Evolved from Meditite (using caramel ) | |
309 | Electrike | type power No previous changes | |
310 | Manectric | type power Evolved from Electrike (using caramel ) | |
311 | Plusle | type power No previous changes | |
312 | minun | type power No previous changes | |
313 | Volbeat | type error No previous changes | |
314 | Illumise | type error No previous changes | |
315 | Roselia | Grass / Poison type No previous changes | |
316 | Gulpin | Poison Type No previous changes | |
317 | Swalot | Poison Type Evolved from Gulpin (using caramel ) | |
318 | Carvanha | Water / Dark Type No previous changes | |
319 | Sharpedo | Water / Dark Type Evolved from Carvanha (using caramel ) | |
320 | Wailmer | type of water No previous changes | |
321 | Wailord | type of water Evolved from Wailmer (using caramel ) | |
322 | numel | Fire / soil No previous changes | |
323 | Camerupt | Fire / soil Evolved from Numel (using caramel ) | |
324 | Torkoal | Art of Fire No previous changes | |
325 | Spoink | psychological type No previous changes | |
326 | Grumpig | psychological type Evolved from Spoink (using caramel ) | |
327 | Spinda | normal guy No previous changes | |
328 | TRAPINCH | Soil No previous changes | |
329 | Vibrava | Soil / Dragon TRAPINCH advanced (with caramel ) | |
330 | Flygon | Soil / Dragon Evolved from Vibrava (using caramel ) | |
331 | Tuska | kind of grass No previous changes | |
332 | Cacturne | Grass / Black Type Evolved from Cacnea (using caramel ) | |
333 | Swablu | Normal / type of flight No previous changes | |
334 | altaria | Dragon / type of flight Evolved from Swablu (using caramel ) | |
335 | Zangoose | normal guy No previous changes | |
336 | Seviper | Poison Type No previous changes | |
337 | Lunatone | Rock / Psychic No previous changes | |
338 | SOLROCK | Rock / Psychic No previous changes | |
339 | Barboach | Water / Soil No previous changes | |
340 | Whiscash | Water / Soil Evolved from Barboach (using caramel ) | |
341 | Corphish | type of water No previous changes | |
342 | Crawdaunt | Water / Dark Type Evolved from Corphish (using caramel ) | |
343 | Baltoy | Earth / Psychic No previous changes | |
344 | Claydol | Earth / Psychic Evolved from Baltoy (using caramel ) | |
345 | Lilia | Type Rock / Grass No previous changes | |
346 | Cradily | Type Rock / Grass Evolved from Lilia (using caramel ) | |
347 | Anorith | Rock / Bug type No previous changes | |
348 | Armaldo | Rock / Bug type Evolved from Anorith (using caramel ) | |
349 | Feebas | type of water No previous changes | |
350 | Milotic | type of water Emerging from Feebas (With high "beauty") | |
351 | Castform | normal guy No previous changes | |
352 | Kecleon | normal guy No previous changes | |
353 | Shuppet | spirits type No previous changes | |
354 | Banette | spirits type Evolved from Shuppet (using caramel ) | |
355 | DUSKULL | spirits type No previous changes | |
356 | Dusclops | spirits type Evolved from DUSKULL (using caramel ) | |
357 | Tropius | Grass / type of flight No previous changes | |
358 | Chimecho | psychological type No previous changes | |
359 | absol | black Ethnicity No previous changes | |
360 | isso | psychological type Baby - Pokémon to hatch | |
361 | Snorunt | ice type No previous changes | |
362 | Glalie | ice type Snorunt advanced (with caramel ) | |
363 | Spheal | Ice / water type No previous changes | |
364 | Sealeo | Ice / water type Evolved from Spheal (using caramel ) | |
365 | Walrein | Ice / water type Evolved from Sealeo (using caramel ) | |
366 | CLAMPERL | type of water No previous changes | |
367 | Huntail | type of water Emerging from CLAMPERL (With the help of the teeth of the deep sea) | |
368 | GOREBYSS | type of water Emerging from CLAMPERL (Using the deep sea on a large scale) | |
369 | Relicanth | Water / Rock Art No previous changes | |
370 | Luvdisc | type of water No previous changes | |
371 | Bagon | Dragon style No previous changes | |
372 | Shelgon | Dragon style Evolved from Bagon (using caramel ) | |
373 | Salamence | Dragon / type of flight Evolved from Shelgon (using caramel ) | |
374 | Beldum | Steel / psychological No previous changes | |
375 | Metang | Steel / psychological Evolved from Beldum (using caramel ) | |
376 | Metagross | Steel / psychological Evolved from Metang (using caramel ) | |
377 | Regirock | Type of rock legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) | |
378 | Regice | ice type legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) | |
379 | Registeel | steel type legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) | |
380 | Latias | Dragon / Psychic legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) | |
381 | latios | Dragon / Psychic legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) | |
382 | kyogre | type of water legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) | |
383 | Groudon | Soil legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) | |
384 | rayquaza | Dragon / type of flight legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) | |
385 | jirachi | Steel / psychological legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) | |
386 | Deoxys | psychological type legendary Pokémon (Currently not available at the time) |

Want more help with Pokémon Go? Our Pokémon Go Tips page gives you an overview of our guides on all aspects of the game. He is currently the global challenge of detection of events and his Legendary Pokémon like Raiku, Entei and Suicune of raids , according recreation gym and new ways to PokéCoins get at the beginning of this year. If you are looking to complete your Pokédex, we have a list of all Gen 2 and available Gen 3 Pokémon that can be with activated special items , the evolution of Eevee and eggs for hatching . Finally, if you are looking to strengthen their team, we have technical XP chart and the Agriculture Pidgey , the best moves and Moveset and high - level of Pokemon - cards .
To solve the above table to clarify the Pokemon gene 3 will not be available from launch, are legendary. There may be other be, we will know if Gen 3 arrives in full:
- Regirock
- Regice
- Registeel
- Latias
- latios
- kyogre
- Groudon
- rayquaza
- jirachi
- Deoxys
When they arrive, our best Pokémon Go - fold list of new additions to see how they compare against the first two generations. will see Salamence suspects ...